Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Right and Left Headline Portrayal

Ok, I know that it may be a bit late in the semester to be blogging about simple internet site headline differences, but sometimes these types of things really get under my skin and I feel the need to at least mention them.

So a quick glance at the CNN and FOX News web pages is all that it takes to get me a little upset. First off, CNN appears to be matching pictures of President Obama and India's Prime Minister up with headlines regarding the strengthening of ties between world powers. Two of the World's largest democracies forming a stronger bond between its leaders appears to eb headline worthy material. And apparently so is the circumstance by which the two leaders came together.

Highlighting the State dinner at the White House, both CNN and FOX News give insight to the night's appeal, guest list, and other aspects. The angle taken by each media source remains interesting to me. It is still the same old battle between media powerhouses to bolster or strike the President, depending on the political slant. It just gets old to me. Maybe now I see it more clearly and that is what makes this whole thing seem silly, but the only picture on FOX News's web page that contained both President Obama and Prime Minister Singh was backed up by a caption that dealt with Obama's approval rating dropping. To the contrary, the whole beginning of this post regarding the strengthening of ties between world powers and what not, was inspired by the tone of CNN's captions and headlines that accompanied pictures of the two leaders. It is just frustrating to be fed the same slanted slop day in and day out.

1 comment:

  1. If you're frustrated by the content cable news networks provide maybe you should approach a new medium. There are several sites online that have much more in depth and less slanted material.
